Input Files

HydroPowerModels.jl uses case description files to specify cases. The following subsections intend to give a brief description of those files.

Network Description: "PowerModels.json"

Network description follows the standards of PowerModels.jl, but some extra information is required. Thus, we use a JSON file containing the information required by PowerModels.jl, with the MATPOWER notation, and introduced some keys to add the extra information we required (as the "cost of deficit").

This following is an example of a Network Description file:

  "bus": {
    "1": {
      "zone": 1, # [not] loss zone (positive integer).
      "bus_i": 1, # bus number (positive integer).
      "bus_type": 3, # bus type (1 = PQ, 2 = PV, 3 = ref, 4 = isolated).
      "vmax": 1.1, # maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.).
      "area": 1, # area number (positive integer).
      "vmin": 0.9, # minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.).
      "index": 1, # index
      "va": 0, # voltage angle (degrees)
      "vm": 1, # voltage magnitude (p.u.)
      "base_kv": 0 ## base voltage (kV)
  "source_type": "matpower", # source file type which generated this json. (if exists)
  "name": "case3", # case name
  "dcline": {}, # [not] DC lines description
  "source_version": { # source file version (if exists)
    "major": 2,
    "minor": 0,
    "patch": 0,
    "prerelease": [],
    "build": []
  "gen": {
    "1": {
      "ncost": 2, # Number of terms to interpolate in cost funcion.  
      "qc1max": 0, # Maximum reactive power output at PC1 (MVAr).
      "pg": 0, # Active Generation (Not Used by PowerModels,but expected).
      "model": 2, # Cost model, 1 = piecewise linear, 2 = polynomial.
      "shutdown": 0, # Shutdown Cost.
      "startup": 0, # Startup Cost.
      "qc2max": 0, # Maximum reactive power output at PC2 (MVAr).
      "ramp_agc": 0, # [not]
      "qg": 0, # Reactive Generation (Not Used by PowerModels,but expected).
      "gen_bus": 2, # Bus Of Generator
      "pmax": 1, # Maximum Real Power Generation (u.u) (Will be multi by mbase).
      "ramp_10": 0, # [not]
      "vg": 1, # Voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.).
      "mbase": 100, # (MVA) Total MVA base of machine.
      "pc2": 0, # Upper real power output of PQ capability curve (MW).
      "index": 1, # Index
      "cost": [ # (dol/(MW/MVA)) Cost terms
        18, # linear factor.
        0 # intercept.
      "qmax": 100, # Maximun Reacitive Power Generation
      "gen_status": 1, # Status Generator (On 1, OFF 0).
      "qmin": -100, # Minimum Reactive Power Generation
      "qc1min": 0, # Minimum reactive power output at PC1 (MVAr).
      "qc2min": 0, # Minimum reactive power output at PC2 (MVAr).
      "pc1": 0, # Lower real power output of PQ capability curve (MW).
      "ramp_q": 0, # [not]
      "ramp_30": 0, # [not]
      "pmin": 0, # Minimum Real Power Generation (u.u) (Will be multi by mbase).
      "apf": 0 # [not] Area participation factor.
  "branch": {
    "1": {
      "br_r": 0.065, # Resistance (p.u.).
      "rate_a": 1, #  MVA rating A (long term rating), set to 0 for unlimited.
      "shift": 0, #  Transformer phase shift angle (degrees), positive ⇒ delay.
      "br_x": 1, #  Reactance (p.u.).
      "g_to": 0, # [not]
      "g_fr": 0, # [not]
      "b_fr": 0.225,
      "f_bus": 1, # “from” bus number.
      "br_status": 1, # Initial branch status, 1 = in-service, 0 = out-of-service.
      "t_bus": 3, # “to” bus number.
      "b_to": 0.225,
      "index": 1, # Index.
      "angmin": -1.0472, # minimum angle difference, θf − θt (rad).
      "angmax": 1.0472, # maximum angle difference, θf − θt (rad).
      "transformer": false, # Bool to indicate if it is transformer.
      "tap": 1 #  transformer off nominal turns ratio.
  "storage": {}, # [not] storages descriptions
  "baseMVA": 100,
  "per_unit": true,
  "shunt": {}, # [not]
  "switch": {}, # [not]
  "cost_deficit": 1000, # cost of deficit in (dol/MW)
  "load": {
    "1": {
      "load_bus": 3, # load's bus number.
      "status": 1, # Initial load status, 1 = in-service, 0 = out-of-service.
      "qd": 0, # reactive power demand.
      "pd": 1, # (MW) real power demand.
      "index": 1 # index.

Hydro Generators Description: "hydro.json"

This is an example of a Hydro Description file:

            "index": 1, # Index of Hydrogenerators.
            "index_grid": 3, # Index of generator in network.
            "name": "", # Name.
            "max_volume":10, # (Hm3) Maximun Volume of Reservoir.
            "min_volume":0, # (Hm3) Minimun Volume of Reservoir.
            "max_turn": 100 # (m3/s) Maximun Outflow of Reservoir.
            "min_turn": 0 # (m3/s) Minimun Outflow of Reservoir.
            "initial_volume":0, # (Hm3) Initial Volume of Reservoir.
            "production_factor":1, # (MW/ (m3/s)) Production Factor.
            "spill_cost":0, # (dol/Hm3) Cost of Spillage.
            "downstream_turn": [], # Hydro Generators downstream of turn.
            "downstream_spill": [] # Hydro Generators downstream of spillage.

Inflows: "inflows.csv"

Inflows are expected in (m3/s) in a csv file representing a matrix, where rows are the stages and columns are the scenarious.