API Reference
Hydro power model
— Functionhydrothermaloperation(alldata::Array{Dict{Any,Any}}, params::Dict)
Create a hydrothermal power operation model containing the policygraph the system data and the planning parameters.
Required parameters are:
- alldata is a vector of dicts with information of the problem's stages.
- param is a dict containing solution parameters.
System data and parameters
— FunctionRead hydro description json file.
— Functioncreate_param(;stages::Int = 1,
model_constructor_grid = DCPPowerModel,
model_constructor_grid_backward = model_constructor_grid,
model_constructor_grid_forward = model_constructor_grid_backward,
post_method = PowerModels.build_opf,
optimizer = GLPK.Optimizer,
optimizer_backward = optimizer,
optimizer_forward = optimizer_backward,
setting = Dict("output" => Dict("branch_flows" => true,"duals" => true)),
verbose = false,
stage_hours = 1)
Create Parameters Dictionary.
Keywords are:
- stages::Int : Number of stages.
- modelconstructorgrid : Network formulation (Types from https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl).
- optimizer : Optimizer factory (http://www.juliaopt.org/JuMP.jl/v0.19.0/solvers/).
- setting : PowerModels settings (https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl/blob/e28644bf85232a5322adeeb847c0d18b7ff4f235/src/core/base.jl#L6-L34)) .
- verbose : Boolean to indicate information prints.
- stage_hours : Number of hours in each stage.
Training the policy
— Functiontrain(hydromodel::HydroPowerModel;kwargs...)
Train future cost function using SDDP.
Keyword arguments (same as SDDP.train): https://github.com/odow/SDDP.jl/blob/0490bea2c46787e1d4d63a5491ea0106c7fe70cf/src/algorithm.jl#L780-L827
Visualize data and results
Missing docstring for HydroPowerModels.plotscenarios
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for HydroPowerModels.plot_grid
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for HydroPowerModels.plot_aggregated_results
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for HydroPowerModels.plotresults
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for HydroPowerModels.plot_bound
. Check Documenter's build log for details.